"Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter." -Brad Henry
It was with great anticipation that Samuel and I climbed into "Mammy's" (my mom's) car on the sunny Saturday morning of October 5th. I felt lucky to be going along as that wasn't the original plan. We headed to Northwest Trek Wildlife Refuge to meet up with three of my nephews, my brother, Jordan, and my brother-in-law, Mike. I don't know about everyone else, but Sam and I were giddy with excitement at the thought of soaring 33 feet per second through the adventure course that zig-zagged high above the forest floor.
The original plan was for my mom to take Samuel, Thomas and Dominic on the course for their eleventh birthdays, which all took place within three months of each other last Spring. The event kept getting delayed as we found it difficult to coordinate our summer schedules. Then at some point in September, my mother (whose ideal outdoor experience is sitting on the deck of a semi-secluded cabin looking out over a misty lake while wearing fluffy slippers and a warm robe with a cup of coffee in hand) decided to take some of her co-workers on a team building experience to NW Trek. With a great sense of accomplishment she completed the difficult course, but now felt like she didn't "need" to do it again. Still wanting to pay for the kids to go, she volunteered the parents to go with the boys instead of her. We were thrilled!
Our reservation for the course was at 11 am. We met up with everybody and filled out papers promising that we wouldn't sue NW Trek if we were to break a limb or say....die. Then we climbed into our harnesses and payed close attention to the instructions. We learned to never double un-clip yourself lest you fall over backward and tumble off the platform, we learned to wait for the verifying, "CLEAR!" from the person in front of you before beginning the next heart pounding action, and we learned how to clip on to the cables before plunging yourself hundreds of feet down to the next wooden platform cleverly built high into the tall Douglas fir trees.
After a brief practice course we were ready to go. One by one we watched the other climb a 30 foot wall with grips for our hands and feet. The cousins wanted to stick together but with only three allowed on a platform at a time, Mike decided to go after his boys, then I would follow after Dominic and Samuel with Jordan bringing up the rear for our group. I had no concern with Sam climbing the wall. He has been climbing the walls at our house, literally and without grips, for years. I've always called him my monkey boy. My worry came when he was ready to jump off the platform before I got to the top. It was time for me to trust. Trust that he paid attention to the instructor about clipping on properly, trust that he wasn't fooling around, trust his Guardian Angel would see him to the other side.
Just as I reached the top of the giant wall, Sam began his speedy zip-line ascent to the other side over 200 feet away. That would be the shortest of six "zips" or zip lines. I laughed as he hollered with excitement while he flew through the air and I paused to make sure he made it to the other side. I then waited to hear, "Clear!" The boys' best laid plans of sticking together fell apart as us parents somehow, and I think mostly subconsciously, inserted ourselves among them. After I heard Samuel yell I got in position for my own 22 mile-per-hour surge through the air. The hardest part was the initial jump, but once that was accomplished it was smooth sailing through the forest. I delighted as the wind whirled around me and trees zoomed by in my peripheral vision, I think I even remember seeing my mom smiling many feet below, but my eyes were on that platform and making sure I didn't miss the part of the cable I needed to grab onto at the end. Samuel was waiting on the other side and we high-fived each other as we set out to attempt the next challenge.
The rest of the course consisted of a series of exciting and interesting challenges that tie six sections of "zips" together. There were swinging bridges with spaced-apart slats to step across; loosely suspended cargo nets to climb; a tight rope to walk; and a series of fixed and swinging planks to balance on. We cheered one another on took courage in knowing that "if they can do it so can I".
One of my favorites moments was when I was making my way across the first swinging bridge and as I looked down I saw a doe and her fawn wandering around on the forest floor directly beneath me. I could literally look below my feet and see the tops of their backs and soft brown heads. Another memorable moment was when I reached a point on the course where, Samuel in front of me and Dominic behind me, were at least 300 feet away on either end of two zip lines, it felt as though I were the only one in the forest. I stopped 45 feet above the ground and took in the scenery around me. The sun shone through the trees and its rays penetrated the forest in varying directions. All around me bright golden leaves fell silently; a slow steady descent to the earth. I felt lucky to be alive, to be able to save that moment in my memory bank to withdraw when the stress of life seems overbearing.
After completing the course we enjoyed the 50-minute tram ride through the 450-acre free roaming area populated by bison, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, deer and a variety of other animals. The adventure course and the sight of the animals made me aware of several things: