Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Law of Attraction

"Everything that is coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you." - The Secret.
 I watched the movie "The Secret" once and thought I'd put the principles to use when I went to a homeschooling convention in Reno. My oldest was beginning Kindergarten and I planned on teaching him. They were raffling off prizes all afternoon, so I pictured in my mind being a winner. I truly visualized myself winning and, lo and behold, the very first number called was mine. I won a Fun-with-Science book that came with a stretchy, glow-in-the-dark alien. I made a mental note to be more specific in my visualizing next time.

So on the way to my favorite Cub Scout pack show of the year, the one where all the gift baskets each den put together along with an assortment of hams and turkeys are raffled off, I told the kids to really picture themselves winning tonight. Don't just wish for it....visualize it...believe it!  The raffle was for the scouts and the 'tags' (tag-along siblings). If the scout brought a can of food they got an extra ticket. This didn't apply to tags but somehow one of my girls ended up with an extra ticket. So all together we had nine chances to win something. There were a lot of kids but the odds were one of them would win.

Within the first round of drawing numbers Samuel won an entire box of the biggest doughnuts I have ever seen in my life...literally....the biggest. Oh joy. Two numbers later his other number was called and he won a reusable grocery bag loaded with snack food.

Isabelle kept asking me when they were going to call her number, and when they do, can I let her go up there by herself, "because I like to be alone" (more likely, I'd like all the attention on me). I was just about to warn her that there was a possibility that she might not win, but then they called her number.  All by herself, she went up in front of everyone and came back lugging a basket of art supplies half the size of her! I should mention here that she spends 99% of her time at home coloring, cutting, and taping. Needless to say, she was thrilled.

Withing the next twenty minutes Ben won some Sees chocolate bars, and Hunter won a smoked ham that will serve as our Christmas breakfast, lunch, dinner and leftovers. One of Hunter's other number was also called but I was clear across the room from him as he sat with his den members and as frantically as I motioned to him that they just called his number he didn't get what I was trying to say, so it went once...twice....and onto the next number.

What about poor Cece you might ask? Oh they called hers too. She won a hand full of See's least 6 or 7 of them.   I had that one remaining ticket that the girls got by mistake still in my pocket. I was getting a little embarrassed that my kids kept winning so I gave it to my sister Tina who is Samuel's den leader.  Not five minutes went by and that number was called! She received a ham.

I should mention here that because we were running late, we didn't have time to eat dinner before we left for the meeting at six o' clock....hmmm....I wonder what was on the children's minds when they visualized winning!? I will also remind you that I am still not eating sugar.....

Note to self: Insist that our conscience minds, not our craving stomachs, do the visualizing next time!


  1. Love it, I can just imagine the kids delight when the #'s were called.

  2. It's driving me crazy not knowing what Hunter would have won on that other ticket! I think I will start some of that visualization myself. Love the pictures by the way. How fun for the kids. Is that a fritter that Sam is holding? Looks good.

  3. Hunter would have won a giant basket full of games. I didn't mention that to him though. Yes, it's a blueberry fritter...I bet it was delicious!

  4. goin through all of ur posts,i likey. however, when i tried the visualization, i bought a rifle, a new jacket, and got arrested all in the same month....what am i doing wrong??

  5. LOL! You are visualizing the wrong stuff..obviously! Just kidding. Happy you stopped by my corner of the web :)
