Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wisdom from the Weary

Today is the end of day two of my "Say No to Sugar" lifestyle. This morning I started out a bit on the cranky side. I didn't want to equate it to my lack of sugar, being that it had only been one full day, and I couldn't blame it on the kids because they were all very cooperative getting ready for school this morning, I couldn't even blame it on "that time of the month", but that's T..M..I. So I figured I just needed more sleep.

After my sister picked the boys up for school, I set my alarm and went back to sleep. When my alarm went off (mind you it's 9:30 am by this time) it took all the energy I could muster to pluck myself off the couch and get myself and the girls dressed. I could feel a dull headache coming on but I drank a bunch of water and ignored it. Fast forward to 2:15.....

I took my client to her doctor appointment and parked the van. I ate my salad, with chicken, broccoli, avocado and salsa and it was quite satisfying. I've never been a vegetable person, but in the past two days I've found I LOVE broccoli! I mean, I've flirted with the "little green trees", as the kids call them, for awhile, but now it is true love.

But, still dealing with a headache, I set my alarm, and took a nap in the van. I seriously had a dream of pumpkin pie ice cream! But I woke (right before I was about to take a bite) to the roar of a speeding train rushing in front of me about 30 feet from where I was parked. I could literally feel the van quivering as boxcar after boxcar raced by. In the silence of its passing....I wanted ice cream....badly!!

So I went back to sleep. My sweet slumber only lasted for 12 more minutes before my alarm went off and I had to carry on with my duties. The headache intensified, as did the fatigue.

As I drove from work to pick up the fabulous five, I had a stark revelation. I really was am addicted to sugar! I was told these symptoms of withdrawal only last about 4-7 days. I'll let you know. Tomorrow, the children and I are staying the night with my sister, Tina, who is also cutting out sugar. This should be fun....sorry kids! Muhahahahahhah!!



  1. Just give in! God made sugar sweet for a reason.

  2. So I'd be nice and sqooshy for my kids to hug?....don't think so, lol!

  3. Actually I agree with the hugging part. When I'm a grandma I plan on being 20-30 pounds overweight because there is nothing as comforting as hugging a soft and loving grandmother. However, in this stage of life, I need all the energy I can get! :)

  4. Good luck to you Gina! You are an inspiration to us all! :)
